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<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <allpages apcontinue="Bash_variable_assignment" />
      <p pageid="80" ns="0" title="Backup Image of Hard Drive using dd" />
      <p pageid="79" ns="0" title="Bash array" />
      <p pageid="78" ns="0" title="Bash command line edit mode" />
      <p pageid="77" ns="0" title="Bash for loop" />
      <p pageid="91" ns="0" title="Bash function" />
      <p pageid="92" ns="0" title="Bash if elif else fi" />
      <p pageid="76" ns="0" title="Bash null check" />
      <p pageid="93" ns="0" title="Bash script running a command" />
      <p pageid="94" ns="0" title="Bash select menu" />
      <p pageid="95" ns="0" title="Bash string concatenate" />